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MS MARCO Kor 한국어 데이터셋 및 임베딩 평가 원래 MS MARCO 데이터셋은 microsoft에서 retrieval 학습을 위해서 고안된 데이터셋인데, question, natural language generation, passage ranking, keyphrase extraction, crawling, conversational search 데이터셋을 포함하는 데이터셋이라 크기도 크고 데이터 양이 많아요.근데! Searching for Best Practices in Retrieval-Augmented Generation (EMNLP 2024) 논문을 읽다가 임베딩 evaluation에 사용한 데이터셋을 찾아버렸단 말이죠.논문링크: https://aclanthology.org/2024.emnlp-main.981/ Searching for Be.. 2024. 12. 27.
[논문리뷰] White-box Multimodal Jailbreaks Against Large Vision-Language Models Wang, R., Ma, X., Zhou, H., Ji, C., Ye, G., & Jiang, Y. (2024). White-box Multimodal Jailbreaks Against Large Vision-Language Models. ACM Multimedia.https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.17894 White-box Multimodal Jailbreaks Against Large Vision-Language ModelsRecent advancements in Large Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have underscored their superiority in various multimodal tasks. However, the adversarial .. 2024. 12. 27.
[논문리뷰] Visual Adversarial Examples Jailbreak Aligned Large Language Models Qi, X., Huang, K., Panda, A., Henderson, P., Wang, M., & Mittal, P. (2024). Visual Adversarial Examples Jailbreak Aligned Large Language Models. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(19), 21527-21536. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v38i19.30150 https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.13213 Visual Adversarial Examples Jailbreak Aligned Large Language ModelsRecently, there has been a .. 2024. 12. 26.
[논문리뷰] Defending Large Language Models Against Jailbreaking Attacks Through Goal Prioritization Zhexin Zhang, Junxiao Yang, Pei Ke, Fei Mi, Hongning Wang, and Minlie Huang. 2024. Defending Large Language Models Against Jailbreaking Attacks Through Goal Prioritization. In Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pages 8865–8887, Bangkok, Thailand. Association for Computational Linguistics. https://aclanthology.org/2024... 2024. 12. 24.
[논문리뷰] "Do Anything Now": Characterizing and Evaluating In-The-Wild Jailbreak Prompts on Large Language Models Shen, X., Chen, Z., Backes, M., Shen, Y., & Zhang, Y. (2023). " do anything now": Characterizing and evaluating in-the-wild jailbreak prompts on large language models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.03825.https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.03825 "Do Anything Now": Characterizing and Evaluating In-The-Wild Jailbreak Prompts on Large Language ModelsThe misuse of large language models (LLMs) has drawn significa.. 2024. 12. 23.
2024.12.06-13 제주·부산 여행 이번 여행은 저의 졸업심사와 당근이의 이직 시기가 어떻게 잘 맞아떨어져서무려 7박 8일 여행을 다녀왔어요!ㅎㅎ6일에 심사가 끝나고 우선 김포에서 하루 쉬기! 12월 6일 첫 숙소는 라마다 김포 호텔!주변에 김포현대 아울렛이 있어서 구경을 갔더랬죠. https://naver.me/GSUvfqSQ 라마다앙코르 바이윈덤 김포한강호텔 : 네이버방문자리뷰 145 · 블로그리뷰 428m.place.naver.com  역시 크리스마스 분위기는 쇼핑몰이죠!첫날은 가볍게 호텔 지하에 있던 BHC에서 순살치킨에 화이트 와인을 페어링 해보았어요.여행 둘째날 (제주도 첫째날) - 12월 7일!점심은 고구려짬뽕에서 차돌짬뽕과 볶음밥으로 스타뚜! https://naver.me/GzgPqMbY 네이버 지도고구려짬뽕10101 인천.. 2024. 12. 14.